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Between December and February, we will be running Mental Health Awareness courses for carers. Places are limited. Please email us for expressions of interest

Much has been made of carers' invaluable contribution to society in what is one of the most challenging epochs of the last 100 years, with the COVID pandemic dominating every aspect of our lives and the contributions of those we most rely on not sufficiently rewarded. Our aim is to address this by empowering carers with the tools to look after their mental health and a network to share their stories of inspiration, their worries and their hopes.

For carers Depression and Trauma can be very real. Access the British Journal of Psychiatry resources and podcasts

Between December 2021 and February 2022, we will be conducting a series of arts-based workshops under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair for Integration Through Languages and the Arts as well as portrait and film-making sessions. The project will culminate in a two-day Festival in London in May 2022.

In truth, the work of WHO CARES is that of the people who take part. This project is simply offering them a space tell their stories, in their own words, and in their own way – something, we came on to learn, the institutions of the State and the affordances of the system denied them at many turns. Policy begins with numbers. This is where we start.

Our very first participants have taken the lead in suggesting and offering images for representation, and in some cases, went on to produce creative artefacts of their own accord, filmed themselves in conversation, shared images and short films and created music and poetry. These artistic expressions provide the necessary defences but also a platform for renewal and change of policy in the care profession.