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OFFICIAL SELECTION - Paris Women CineFest - 2024.png

TAXI DRIVER is part of the MOSTRA INTERNACIONAL DE FILMS DE DONES in Barcelona in November 2024

Under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair for Integration, TAXI DRIVER premiered in Glasgow on 11 April 2024


The Story

TAXI DRIVER is a film about the poetic reality of life behind the wheel: the beauty, the fear, the precariousness and the laughter for a woman taxi driver as night falls on the landscape of the West of Scotland. The film fearlessly meanders through a year of the Driver's life to share the times of bonding, secrets, utter terror and shared hope and laughter to show the reality of women's work under the most extreme​ conditions. 

Supported by Creative Scotland and NEON NARUS Trust


TAXI DRIVER short film has received nominations by the

Paris International Short Festival, the Paris Lady Movie-Makers Festival and the NEW YORK  INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S FESTIVAL

Further announcements will be made in due course.  


Photo Virginia Vassilakou


Jacqueline J Wilde actor

Karen Herbison - actor

Kat Hamilton - actor

Abbie Robertson - actor

Arabella Triton- child


Director Virginia Vassilakou

Music VRGN

With special thanks to Jeannie-Marie Hamilton and Jodie McCue



Effie Samara

Writer and producer 

Effie Samara is a doctoral researcher and UNESCO Affiliate Artist  at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Her work explores the dramaturges of exile in the contexts of democracy, justice and restorative art. She has written extensively in the areas of Human Rights, decolonising pedagogy and social justice and is the recipient of the Chancellor's Fund Award the European Cultural Foundation Award and the Playwrights' Studio Scotland Award. Her theatre and film work include SARTRE and the Poetic Constitution for Scotland supported by  Creative Scotland, Arts Council England, the University of Glasgow and the British Academy.

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